From idea to impact: How the US government can improve coordination of global health research and development

This report provides an overview of current US government agency programming in global health R&D, highlights areas of success and areas for improvement, and provides recommendations to improve strategic alignment and coordination of US-supported global health R&D activities.
Research, development, and innovation for global health technologies take place across a variety of US government agencies. Interagency coordination is essential to ensuring that US investment in global health R&D is efficient and achieves the greatest possible impact. Each agency possesses unique expertise, and only true partnership and collaboration will help deliver the most effective programs possible.
In recent years, there have been a few key mechanisms established to increase and improve coordination of global health R&D programs within the US government. These efforts have been useful in clarifying various priorities at US agencies. However, more is needed to ensure gaps in product development are filled, overlap is minimized, and priority-setting is more transparent.